How often do Shih Tzu’s need baths? Is it okay to bathe your Shih Tzu every day?

If you’re a first-time fur parent, perhaps one of the questions that would pop in your head is, “How often do Shih Tzu’s need baths?” “Is it okay to bathe your Shih Tzu every day?“ I got the same question as well when I got my Shih Tzu, Bunso about a year ago. I’m always

How often do Shih Tzu’s need baths? Is it okay to bathe your Shih Tzu every day? Read More »

Should I get a dog? How ready are you to be a Shih Tzu parent?

Should I get a dog? Your decision to get a dog is heavily influenced by your lifestyle, energy, and time to take care of another breathing and living creature at home. Moreover, becoming a fur parent means being responsible for the health and welfare of domestic pets.  Before you get too excited, let’s take a

Should I get a dog? How ready are you to be a Shih Tzu parent? Read More »

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